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[Other resourceBeginning.Direct3D.Game.Programming.2nd.code

Description: Beginning Direct3D Game Programming的第二版源代码,是学习D3D必备书籍之一
Platform: | Size: 864023 | Author: 覃杨 | Hits:

[Game Programgame

Description: 用VC++6.0和D3D写的2D游戏代码,《VC++游戏编程基础》里的例子,可以方便别人学习D3D的框架!
Platform: | Size: 4654127 | Author: huoshen | Hits:


Description: 游戏开发包。DirectX相关的组件包装, DirectDraw、D3D、DirectInput、DirectSound、DirectPlay、DirectMedia、及MIDI播放;图形文件读写;网络编程;多线程等方面很多内容- Game development package. DirectX correlation module packing, DirectDraw, D3D, DirectInput, DirectSound, DirectPlay, DirectMedia, and MIDI broadcast; Graphic file read-write; Network programming; Aspect very many contents and so on multithreading
Platform: | Size: 1693696 | Author: | Hits:

[Multimedia Develop传统多人连网对战arpg游戏《混乱竞技场》源代码

Description: 客户端GSLIB\GSLIB.DSW包含含游戏客户段代码、图形引擎代码和资源工具代码) GSLIB是一个以D3D渲染为主的2d引擎,是作者多年的工作经验积累写成的引擎,引擎效率应该不错,整合了游戏中大量常用的技术,作者认为经过优化以提高至少一倍以上的速度.-client GSLIB \ GSLIB.DSW included with the game of the client code, graphics engine source code tools and resources) is a GSLIB D3D based 2d rendering engine, is the author of many years of work experience accumulated written engines, engine efficiency should be true that the integration of large quantities of used games the technology, the authors believe optimized to increase at least double the speed.
Platform: | Size: 2484224 | Author: 大灰熊 | Hits:


Description: 一个C#做的游戏 是基于D3D和GUI的游戏-C# do a game based on D3D games and GUI
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: 宋剑飞 | Hits:

[Game ProgramAI Game Programming Wisdom

Description: AI Game Programming Wisdom一书的源码-AI Game Programming Wisdom s code
Platform: | Size: 4702208 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows Developd3d9-examples

Description: 3d游戏编程部分代码 -3d part of the game programming code 3d part of the game programming code 3d part of the game programming code
Platform: | Size: 454656 | Author: chen | Hits:

[Game EngineAsphyre的特效功能大全

Description: delphi游戏开发最新的工具 2D3D都可以,到官方去下载,免费 这是DEMO-the latest game development tools 2D3D he can go to the official download, which is free DEMO
Platform: | Size: 409600 | Author: swl | Hits:

[Game EngineFireSource

Description: 火魔源码,是一个基于D3D的简单游戏引擎,有脚本,声音,图像处理等,里面还有不少Demo,感觉不错。-worship source, based on D3D is a simple game engine, scripting, voice, image processing, there is also a lot of Demo, I feel pretty good.
Platform: | Size: 1516544 | Author: yuyu | Hits:

[Game ProgramquakeIII

Description: 3D 游戏界的大牛人 John Carmack 终于放出了 Q3 的源代码,。希望对有志于 3D game 的朋友带来更多帮助运行环境: Windows/Linux -a great cattle John Carmack Q3 finally released the source code. Hope for 3D interested in the game bring more friends to help the environment : Windows/Linux
Platform: | Size: 6817792 | Author: Nick | Hits:


Description: 在D3D关于鼠标和键盘的操作,新手新人,初学c++游戏开发-In D3D on the mouse and keyboard operation, a new novice, beginner c game development
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: lizi | Hits:


Description: 3D游戏程序设计入门 中文版的D3D龙书。。。Introduction To 3D Game Programing with DierctX 9.0绝对是D3D入门的龙书。。。可惜一直以来都只有英文版本(想楼主偶当初是如此辛苦滴一个单词一个单词用金山词霸翻译着看。。。偶真是太感谢翻译此书的翁云兵大大了。。)现在终于又了中文版滴了,而且翻译此书的翁云兵大大还无私的共享出来给偶们免费看。。在这里偶尽代表党代表人民。。感谢您!!!(如果他出书的话偶也第一个买。。买来收藏。。)要学习D3D却不知道怎么入门的同学们来看此书吧。。绝对会让你入门非常轻松。。。大家有什么问题或者不会的就到GameRes网站上来找偶们,偶们一定会帮助大家的。。。 PS:本版本里面附带了随书源代码。。。再次感谢翁云兵
Platform: | Size: 5478400 | Author: 张敏 | Hits:

[3D GraphicBeginning.Direct3D.Game.Programming.2nd.code

Description: Beginning Direct3D Game Programming的第二版源代码,是学习D3D必备书籍之一-Beginning Direct3D Game Programming second edition of the source code, is one of learning D3D essential books
Platform: | Size: 1036288 | Author: 覃杨 | Hits:

[Game ProgramDZY_Game

Description: 自己写的一个D3D游戏Dome。实现了基本的游戏功能-Himself wrote a D3D game Dome. Realize the basic game functions
Platform: | Size: 13434880 | Author: 王雪健 | Hits:


Description: 一个D3D游戏DEMO 游戏场景 碰撞 战斗都做得不错-D3D games DEMO a collision fighting game scenes are done quite well
Platform: | Size: 10392576 | Author: 金鱼 | Hits:

[3D Graphicjingmianxiaoguo

Description: D3D游戏开发 DirectX 9.0 游戏渲染 镜面效果-D3D Game Development DirectX 9.0 games mirror effect rendering
Platform: | Size: 922624 | Author: 小雨 | Hits:


Description: 所有游戏D3D窗口化源代码,可以窗口化任何游戏! -All the source code D3D game window, can change any game window!
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 天心 | Hits:

[OtherVC++ D3D游戏例子

Description: VC++调用D3D开发的3维游戏例子,编译通过,可使用,参考性很强(VC++ call D3D development of 3 dimensional game example, compiled through, you can use, reference is very strong)
Platform: | Size: 6040576 | Author: guqingtong | Hits:

[Game Hook Crack逆战游戏透视通用(VS2015)

Description: FPS射击游戏D3D显卡驱动透视(VS2010源码)支持CF 逆战等游戏! 公布一种过CF客户Duan异常的方法,就用本份源码,HOOK完了以后 初始化D3D虚表成功了,把HOOK点还原掉(CF现在的异常就过去了。。。)(FPS shooting game, D3D video card driver Perspective (VS2010 source), support CF, anti war and other games! A method of CF client released Duan abnormal, with part of HOOK source code, after the initialization of D3D virtual table is successful, the HOOK point out reduction (CF now abnormal past... ))
Platform: | Size: 18120704 | Author: AORB | Hits:


Description: D3D绘制游戏模块源码 绘制文字图片线条等(D3D drawing game module source code)
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 阿萨德124 | Hits:
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